AAC Evidence Base Research Project: February 2012 Update
Afasic England, in association with The Communication Trust, is running three Voice for Life training events in March. These free events are aimed at parents and carers, professionals and school groups. Communication Matters will be giving a presentation on the AAC Evidence Base project at the events in Leicester (15th March) and Stockton-on-Tees (22nd March), and we will also have an exhibition stand. Do come along to the presentation and visit our stand if you are attending. For more information about the events, visit www.afasicengland.org.uk/parents/courses-and-conferences/#voice
If you are a person who uses AAC, a family member, carer or practitioner, and would like to participate in AAC research then please visit the Research Involvement Network webpage www.communicationmatters.org.uk/page/research-involvement-network for more information or contact the Research Manager.
For more information…
- visit www.communicationmatters.org.uk/research
- or email Katie Holmes, Research Manager on [email protected]