Say ‘Hello’ to the National Year of Communication 2011

The Communication Trust has announced the ‘Hello’ campaign for The National Year of Communication in 2011. ‘ Hello’ also aims to make communication for all children and young people a priority in homes and schools across the UK so that they can live life to the full.

The Hello campaign aims to increase understanding of how important it is for children and young people to develop good communication skills. The campaign is run by The Communication Trust, a coalition of over 35 leading voluntary sector organisations (including Communication Matters), in partnership with Jean Gross, the Government’s Communication Champion for England. It is backed by the Department for Education and supported by BT.

Communication Matters is planning a series of exciting events to raise awareness of AAC with adults, children and young people across the UK in the National Year. Contact Dithe Fisher [email protected] or Sally Chan [email protected] to get in touch with what will be happening in your area.

Communication Matters has also set aside funds for small grants to support local AAC events throughout The National Year of Communication. Watch out for an E-News item in the New Year with details on how to apply.

Please visit for information on how you can help improve the communication skills of children and young people and to sign up for regular updates. You can also follow the campaign on Twitter and facebook