Using CODES Collaboratively to Support Children and Young People to Communicate Effectively



Practice Report

    • Nicola Ford (Keycomm Resource Centre)
    • Susan Henderson (Keycomm Resource Centre)
    • Deborah Jans (Keycomm Resource Centre)


The session will guide participants through the CODES Framework, with practical examples provided. The CODES Framework has been developed to support the introduction of an AAC system for children and young people within both mainstream and specialist provision. Key facilitators can use the framework to aid the introduction of an AAC system, record progress and aid target setting and joint classroom planning.


The CODES Framework is presently being used in a variety of settings within the UK and internationally. We have rolled out the framework throughout Lothian, supporting teachers and therapists to implement the framework. We have also modified its use to be appropriate for use with young people who have recently left school.


The session will identify how we have monitored its use and elicited feedback through using a focus group paradigm. The main findings will be discussed and will focus on three main areas of development: improved collaborative working; use of framework to help parents/carers aid implementation at home and community; and changes in attitudes and perceptions of facilitators.


We have identified the next steps to develop the use of the CODES Framework as focussing on two areas. We are developing an Activity based Toolkit to support teachers and classroom assistants to identify appropriate activities to engage the children linked to the Curriculum for Excellence. We have also been developing a parent friendly CODES Framework to help parents identify targets for using the AAC system at home and within the community.

Level of Session


Age Group



Primary school
Secondary school
Special school


Download Session Handout