AAC Evidence Base Research Project: September 2012 Update
Teachers and lecturers – can you help with our research?
The research team at the University of Sheffield has been gathering data about AAC services across the UK. The researchers need more information about how high-tech AAC is used and supported in educational settings. If you teach adults, young people or children in the UK who use high-tech communication aids please complete our survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/AACEvidenceEducationSurvey
Thank you to everyone who has completed our surveys for people who use high-tech communication aids and for their communication partners. We have had an excellent response with over 30 surveys completed but we would like more, so please help if you can.
Come and see us at CM2012 National Conference
We will have a stand in the exhibition space at Communication Matters National Conference. Please do come and see us. You can find out about the emerging findings from the research and see a demonstration of the AAC Evidence Base website in our presentation at 3.45pm on Monday 24 September. The provisional timetable and conference abstracts are available online at www.communicationmatters.org.uk/programme.
Want to join the Research Involvement Network
If you are a person who uses AAC, a family member, carer or practitioner, and would like to participate in AAC research then please visit the Research Involvement Network webpage at www.communicationmatters.org.uk/page/research-involvement-network for more information or contact the Research Manager.
For more information…
- visit www.communicationmatters.org.uk/research
- or email Katie Holmes, Research Manager on [email protected]