Compass Software: Matching access to ability




    • Tina Voizey (Toby Churchill)
    • Kat Smith (Toby Churchill)


We will look closely at Compass software and how it can quickly and easily grow and adapt to meet the communication and access needs of a user, as well as support positive behaviour and social interactions. A range of pagesets with features specifically developed to support people with stroke and brain injury, autism and learning difficulties provides a supportive and intuitive environment for meaningful communication and interaction.

Come and see how the versatility of the Compass software offered on a wide range of hardware solutions allows flexibility and choice of access method. We will also illustrate how with a click of a button you can adapt the amount of vocabulary available to meet growing or deteriorating access skills. Lastly, we will look at how seamless intergation of environmental control can increase independence and enhance learning experiences.

Level of Session


Age Group

All Ages
