Communication Matters AAC Awards 2021 – Nominations Now Open!
It may have been a strange year, but we still have reasons to celebrate! We are delighted to be able to open nominations for the AAC Awards 2021. They will be held remotely on the evening of Friday 17th September 2021 to close our virtual Communication Matters AAC Conference and hope to bring together all the glitz and excitement of our inaugural ones held in 2019.
There will be 5 categories this time as follows:
The Jamie Munro Award
An award for an inspiring individual, whose work has had impact across the entire field of AAC. This award is in memory of Jamie Munro, who inspired all he worked with during his career as an AAC supplier and developer.
The Alan Martin Award
An award presented to a person who uses AAC who has made a significant contribution to the arts. This award is dedicated to the memory of Alan Martin, who championed the arts and creative inclusion through his work as a dancer, a musician and comedian.
Group of the Year Award
An award for a setting or context that has promoted AAC in a particularly creative or inclusive way.
The Rising Star Award
A newcomer to the world of AAC who has made a particular impact on their environment and / or those people around them.
Outstanding Community Inclusion (Lockdown Legend) Award
An award for a person or community who have shown exceptional awareness and support for AAC users and their needs – during this particularly challenging time.
Please think about individuals or groups who you would like to nominate. The nomination form can be downloaded from our awards website, so please use it or pass onto others.
The closing date for nominations is Friday 30th July.
We can’t wait to hear about your fantastic nominees and really look forward to celebrating with you in September.
Keep an eye on our awards website for more information about the night as we have it!