Friday Announcements – 14 February 2025

1. Coaching Communication Partners – Live Webinar
2. Tobii Dynavox for Professionals
3. Makaton Places: Building Inclusive Communities – Free Webinar
4. Vacancy: Speech & Language Therapist – Maternity Cover

News from Communication Matters
5. Peer Support Sharing Best Practice Day
6. Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 – Save The Date!
7. Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 – Call for Papers!
8. CM Office Closed Part-Time in February
9. About Friday Announcements

1. Coaching Communication Partners – Live Webinar

From Ryan Crowe, Ace Centre:

Looking to support your colleagues or team to develop their communication partners skills around AAC but not sure where to start? Our Coaching Communication Partners session next month is a great place to start for those needing to take on a leading role in their setting/environment and supporting other staff working with AAC users, identifying key skills and competencies required.

Tuesday 4th March: 12:00 – 13:00 GMT. Find out more and book your place here.


2. Tobii Dynavox for Professionals

From Ishita Umanath, Tobii Dynavox Ltd:

Unlock free access to industry-leading AAC software and resources to support your clients with complex communication needs. The Tobii Dynavox for Professionals program offers free access to TD Snap, Communicator, Compass, and Gaze Viewer to use during evaluations and therapy sessions. You’ll also gain access to therapy supports, evaluation tools, lesson plans, myth-buster handouts, and research-backed resources designed to make your job easier and more effective.

Learn More:


3. Makaton Places: Building Inclusive Communities – Free Webinar 

From Natalie Applewhaite-Morgan, The Makaton Charity:

Makaton Places: Building Inclusive Communities with Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly Programmes.

Join us for an insightful webinar introducing “Makaton Places”, our latest initiative aimed at fostering inclusive environments through the Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly programmes.

Wednesday 26th February 2025: 18:00 – 19:00 (1 hour) Online via Zoom. Price: Free

Zoom registration link:

In this session, you will:

  • Discover the Makaton Places Initiative: Learn about the objectives and benefits of Makaton Places, designed to create accessible and welcoming spaces for individuals who use Makaton.
  • Develop and understanding of Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly Programmes: Gain insights into the criteria and processes for becoming Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly, and how these designations can enhance community engagement.
  • Hear Success Stories: Explore real-life examples of organisations that have successfully implemented Makaton Aware and Makaton Friendly practices, and the positive impact on their communities.
  • Learn How to Get Involved: Find out how your organisation can participate in the Makaton Places initiative and the support available to assist you in this journey.

This webinar is ideal for businesses, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and community organisations committed to inclusivity and accessibility.

The event is open to all members and non-members and will also be recorded.


4. Vacancy: Speech & Language Therapist – Maternity Cover

From Amy Clayfield, St. Rose’s: 

St. Rose’s, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Band 5 or 6 according to experience.

We are looking for an enthusiastic Speech and Language Therapist to join our supportive therapy team at St. Rose’s.  This role offers a unique opportunity to work with children and young adults with physical and learning disabilities, sensory impairments and a broad range of complex needs in a lively, highly specialised setting.  This would be ideal for a therapist who wishes to build their AAC experience, working directly with a range of AAC users, carrying out assessment and direct intervention.

Further details can be found here: Speech and Language Therapist (Maternity Cover) – St Rose’s


5. Peer Support Sharing Best Practice Day

Communication Matters are pleased to invite AAC users (mentors and those interested in mentoring/peer support), PAs, parents and others to our Peer Mentoring and Support Project, Sharing Best Practice Day on Tuesday 15th April, at 9.30am-3.15pm, at the University of Leeds.

The aim of the day is to share best practice with a focus on peer support and mentoring and to bring everyone together who has been involved in the project so far, including AAC mentors and those providing Communication Clubs, as well as anyone who would like to come along to find out more.

We are grateful to the National Lottery Community Fund England for providing the funding for this project and this event. The event is free to anyone who would like to attend (lunch and refreshments will be provided), but you will need to please register your place in advance. We have funding for travel and accommodation (if required) for AAC users too.

If you are unable to attend in person, we are also able to offer remote access to the morning presentations via Zoom.

Please visit our website to download the draft programme for the day (some sessions will be confirmed soon) and register for this event. Please note that numbers are limited, and places are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. The closing date for booking your place is Monday 24th March 2025.

For more information, please contact the CM office on [email protected] or Verity Elliott on [email protected].


6. Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 – Save The Date!

The Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 will take place from Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th September 2025 at the University of Leeds.

Visit our conference website to find out more and please share our conference flyer.

You can also register your interest to find out more about the programme, exhibition, social events, venue and how to register as they are announced.


7. Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 – Call for Papers!

You are invited to contribute to the Communication Matters International AAC Conference 2025 (8-9 September, University of Leeds).

Presentations should be relevant to the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and where possible promote the positive role of AAC in the empowerment of the people who use it. This year’s theme for conference is ‘Identity’. We welcome abstract submissions covering any of the areas this theme encompasses. Topics to cover could include vocabulary, gender, cultural influences, person centred service delivery, self-advocacy, AI, neurodiversity or anything that links AAC to a user’s identity. We are open to presentations from all in the AAC community including professionals and supporters and we especially encourage contributions from AAC users and family members.

We have based our topic areas for the presentations on the three aspects of evidence-based practice which represent improved outcomes for all. These aspects are:

  • Best Research Evidence: Papers submitted under this heading are carried out by independent organisations such as education, social or health services and universities. Authors should pay particular attention to describing the methodology and results of the study.
  • Clinical and Professional Service Delivery: Papers submitted under this heading may include service development, audit or implementation projects, as well as practice reports. Typically, these papers will be presented by those providing a service for AAC users.
  • Personal Stories and Case Studies: Papers submitted under this heading would include personal experience stories, single case studies and examples of AAC in the wider community.

Papers can be submitted as either a Platform presentation (45-minutes), Workshop presentation (45-minutes), a Poster, or a Lightning Talk (6.25 minutes or 12.5 minutes for AAC users).

We are using an online submission programme called Aventri. You will be asked to create an account, login and submit a simple form with a title and an abstract (a short summary) about your talk (maximum 300 words).

The deadline for submissions is 16 April 2025. However, please submit your abstract as soon as possible to help with our planning.

Further information can be found on our website:

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the opportunity, please email [email protected].


8. CM Office Closed Part-Time in February

The Communication Matters Office will only be open on Wednesdays and Fridays over the next two weeks (commencing 17th and 24th February) due to staff leave. Please bear with us during this time and send any enquiries to [email protected] as usual and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


9. About Friday Announcements

These ‘Friday Announcements’ comprise weekly product updates, upcoming courses, and supplier news. Please email [email protected] with the item you want to be included by Thursday at 5pm – no more than 200 words (one entry per organisation per week) – and include contact email and/or link so readers can find out further information (no file attachments please).