Communication Support World Network (CSWN) Newsletter
We have been sent the newsletter from the new Communication Support World Network (CSWN). This exciting project is a development of the old ‘Augmentative Communication World Network’. The new name reflects the strengthening international connections that are developing. The newsletter contains lots of information from across the world on developing services for AAC users. In the first issue for instance it has reports that cover the Phillipines, MIddle East and parts of Africa. It is hosted by the Central Coast Children’s Foundation, a non-profit foundation based in Monterey, California and can be found on their website. There is also information about this newsletter on our Resources page where there is a new ‘Worldwide’ section.
The newsletter editor is Dorothy Fraser from Scotland and she will be presenting on her work in Poland at the Communication Matters Conference 2015. If you would like to contribute to the newsletter in the future please contact [email protected]